Superb takedown of another factless bag of wind. Compulsory reading.

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Middleton encapsulates everything that is wrong with the modern version of public health. Like every other institution, both public and increasingly alas private, it has been taken over by lefty campaigners ranging from softy Blairites to outright Marxists. It is the current “conservative” government’s biggest failing that it has not purged every institution but has let this motley crew run riot. An incoming Starmer government will make everything worse. I despair.

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So my galaxy-brained take is that the Labour government that's obviously coming next year will actually result in a better public-health establishment, purely because the "Tories are bad, please give me money" grift you describe will no longer be a viable business model. Once their bogeyman has been vanquished, they might actually be forced to do something useful.

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They are not worthy of the term Public Health. They a specialists in peddling public fear so that they can impose political control. Not a Bazalgette among them. Self obsessed rather than selfless, panicking as a default rather than reassuring and resolving. They promote bad science , poor evidence and irrationality. Scally, Greenhalgh, Leitch, Michie are basically still standing by masks, asymptomatic infection and denial of excess deaths. They are actually counter to flourishing public health.

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