That’s what years spent cocooned in the illiberal company of the Guardian does. It addles the brain.

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How is vaping/pouches/snus any different from an addiction to coffee? They're both equally 'mind-altering' (i.e. very slightly in comparison to, say, LSD or heroin - or even alcohol) and cause no harm to others that I can see. There are (relatively trivial) health disbenefits to both (in excess), but the same is true of almost anything it's possible to ingest.

Disclaimer: I've never smoked, so I'm not wholly sure what the effects of nicotine are.

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I expect it is the fact nicotine pouches are sold by a business that rankles the journalist here. I doubt she'd have an instinct to ban a harmless pleasure if capitalism wasn't involved

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One of the arguments over Brexit was that under Common Law you were allowed to do anything that was not forbidden and under (EU) Roman Law you were allowed to do only what was permitted.

Unfortunately there is still a tendency in the UK to rule on the basis that the general populace are still only allowed to do what is permitted, and anything that was outside 'the rules' should be legislated immediately.

Taking back control... not there yet.

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Wow, a Guardian journalist (vaper) manages to come to the conclusion that nicotine pouches are not actually a bad thing (even though she hates them)...

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