Well stated. That baseless counter argument the zealots make about prohibition was directed at me during an on air debate. He said something like “industry always use the argument that this will result in illegal sales, even though there is no evidence.” I was dumbfounded, both because he thought I was a supporter of the tobacco industry (hardly, I’m a depressed academic “never-smoker” historian) and because there is all sorts of evidence, both recent and historical, that prohibition in any form enriches the black market and endangers lives (hello: toxic drug supply?). At the same time, that same zealot made his career developing smoking cessation techniques for cardiovascular disease patients, clearly profiting from his influence with the anti-tobacco lobby. And the hypocrisy deepens.

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Thank you Chris for calling out this latest monomaniac prohibitionist zealotry from the thugs who dictate Australian lifestyle controls. The advocates never bear the cost of their continuing failed policies, a deadweight loss to taxpayers while fuelling the black market and empowering sanctimonious bullies who just know best what other adults value and how they should live, although I'm preaching to the choir on that. Please keep on identifying the po faced neo puritans and shaming them, although they really deserve to be tarred and feathered then pelted with rotten fruit.

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Couldn't agree more! The idea that vaping is bad for you is pure fake science. I hit my vape 40 times a day, much better than everyone else's. Same with smoking. No, smoking does not cause lung cancer. Yes, the hidden injection of artificial lab carcinogens during "routine bloodwork" while participating in a large government smoking study does. Use your brains people! They would rather murder their own citizens than allow people to enjoy the fine pleasure of smoking. Hitler was the first to say that tobacco is the red man's scourge upon the white man for the gift of hard liquor. Yes, that's right. The so-called scientific anti tobacco campaign is actually a racist crusade that began in nazi germany at nazi "science" institutions. Even to this day, nazi money continues to fund anti-tobacco. I have smoked unfiltered for 30 years and I feel amazing, I've never suffered a single negative side effect. I'm way healthier and more capable than anyone my age due to anti-aging supplements that have taken my blood all the way down to the blood of a 28 year old. For all those reading this... Try taking NMN! It will reverse the wear on your body.

Tobacco is good! Tobacco is not evil! Smoking DOES NOT CAUSE CANCER.

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