I can't remember where I saw this research, I suspect it was from you or one of your IEA bods, but I definitely remember looking at a study that restrictions on markets are very unpopular when framed as restrictions on the consumer, but miraculously win approval when the exact same ideas are expressed as restrictions on the producer (despite it being impossible to make it harder to sell something without it also making it harder to buy it).

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“…giving a subsidy to the already wealthy alcohol producers.

Stop saying that!”

Come now, you must know that trying to battle framing with facts is like trying to defend yourself from a water cannon by using a sword?

…and they don’t need people to believe them, only sufficient momentum to get their measure over the line?

Am not a big drinker tbh, as it doesn’t agree with me, but happy to defend everyone else’s right to knock themselves out as much as they like! :)

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It's like "Liz Truss unfunded tax cuts" all over again.

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Excellent as usual

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These people are already permanently drunk, p*ssed out their heads to be vulgar, on their own smug self-righteousness. Rather than adopting the more humble principle that virtue is its own reward and does not require broadcasting, they seem to spend their time (and our money) inventing synthetic moral evils to preen their prudish feathers and parade their confected moral rectitude. Quite repellent.

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