The biggest step this country can take in separating religion from state is by abolishing the NHS

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If only the Attlee government had recognised in 1948 that food is as important to well being as health and created the National Food Service to operate alongside the NHS. Today we would all be boasting about our queues for meagre rations of State determined products as being the envy of the world, while at the same time holidaying in the rest of the world and enjoying their cornucopia of comestibles.

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Brilliant as ever. If the NHS is so amazing why don’t we run our supermarkets using the same system? Because people wouldn’t put up with it that’s why. See what I mean here. If it’s ok to post https://open.substack.com/pub/lowstatus/p/alternative-medicine?r=evzeq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Let's take the "NHS is perfect but the Tories are destroying it" argument at face value. Is a healthcare system which is so vulnerable to being ruined by crap governments really such a brilliant model? An institution cannot simultaneously be the envy of the world and on the brink of collapse. Every other European country has conservative governments from time to time, but no other European country has waiting lists that balloon whenever those right-wing governments are in power. Everywhere else's hospitals chug along unfazed regardless of who's in charge.

I fear we are sleepwalking towards a scenario where both parties acknowledge that healthcare reform is the only way of escaping the current cycle of constant crisis, and yet neither party will be able to do it. Tories can obviously never be trusted by the electorate to do it, while Labour are terrified of meddling with what is generally seen as the greatest achievement in their history. Labour will win the next election, will flood the system with money, and yes, waiting lists will go down again. (Actually that's another reason Labour will want to keep the current system around - "24 hours to save the NHS" is a very useful rallying cry.) But the underlying problems will remain. I don't know how long we'll be able to paper over the cracks, but it's not forever.

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Absolutely spot on.

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It's not a healthcare system, it is only an emergency service and barely that now. I receive no medical care for the condition I have, instead mostly what I have received from the NHS is abuse , lies and astronomical incompetence which on top of severe and chronic pain caused by my condition is a pretty disgusting way to treat someone. THis abuse from NHS staff has led to having to me having to make several waste of time complaints processes . THe default position with complaints is to fob you off to the ombudsman who are just another breastfeeding baby of the UK regime. As for the funding, that disappears in waste and corruption. Waste of time attempting to reform this out of control monster now, just delete it forever. I always say to people if you were offered a choice of two boxes of matches, one of which were working matches at a cost £1 and the other was 'free' but were dud matches which would not light, which would you choose? Having a free but useless service is of course what a moron wants.

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Please can we get this hate speech cancelled

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Masterful. Not sure how you stay sane.

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Spot on

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You could add that the NHS strikes are adding to the waiting list

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