Has Gill or anyone else actually suggested a plausible illness that might have killed these babies? Let’s take Child D. It would have to be something which:

- causes a baby to collapse *and then also recover* incredibly rapidly, in ways which the on duty doctor said he’d never seen before and “couldn’t make sense of”, 3 times in the space of about 4 hours, the 3rd time leading to its death

- produce a distinctive reddish rash on its torso which a doctor and nurse with decades of experience each said they’d never seen before; a rash which then went quickly as the baby recovered

- produce an x-ray showing a column of air in the baby’s large vessel near its spine which another experienced neonatal doctor said he’d never seen in any other baby outside of a car crash

- somehow this mysterious disease only ever caused these sudden collapses when Letby was alone with the baby, not when anyone else was present (never in front of the assigned nurse, which wasn’t Letby)

The only thing this all fits with is air embolism, administered by Letby. There’s literally an x-ray showing it ffs!

So again, what is this mysterious illness? You can’t just fudge it, it has to fit all the above criteria.

And that’s for *one baby*. There’s similarly compelling evidence for all the others.

Until I see Gill, or anyone else for that matter, accounting for facts like these, on a baby-by-baby basis, in any way which isn’t completely laughable, I’ll continue to treat these truthers with the contempt they deserve.

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Persuasive as ever, Chris. A question I’m interested by - and this isn’t a criticism; I’m genuinely interested by the process - is how you recall reaching the conclusion yourself that Letby was indeed guilty. For my own part, I saw some of the “oh no she wasn’t” posts and found them intriguing; but then your posts here put the case for guilt far better, and I changed my mind. So in my case, you’re the source.

Do you recall how you decided?

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How did the police decide which cases to show to Evans?

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The cases reviewed were determined by Evans, not by the Police.

Evans: “And I think what was crucial, I think, in our investigation was that I told the police: ‘Send me the notes of every baby who has died. Send me the notes of every baby that has collapsed or deteriorated, between early 2015 and July 2016, emphasising not just the suspicious ones or the ones that could not be explained. I wanted to see all of them.”

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