Jan 21, 2023Liked by Christopher Snowdon

Wonderful payoff line

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Christopher Snowdon

Many people, including some who are perfectly intelligent in other ways, seem not to understand that Google doesn't answer questions, it just finds pages with your search terms. My ex, who definitely isn't stupid and in fact is very accomplished, but who is paranoid about getting cancer (for good reasons, family history), when she felt ill would type her symptoms and a relevant type of cancer into google (e.g. abdominal pain kidney cancer), and I had to remind her that if you do that you're not getting neutral information, you're literally telling Google to show you the websites that say you have cancer

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You know how you get a tesla and then you notice more tesla around? That's a combination of what you're referring to, and the fact that there Are more tesla around... This phenomenon does not preclude that.

There are excess deaths, in abundance, and it genuinely seems they'll try to come up with any excuse except one. I just want it looked into properly, I don't think that's too much to ask.

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I'm late to this, but it took a long time to properly establish that Vioxx increased the risk of heart attacks.

I guess the question is; have the lessons from previous debacles been fully learned and internalised and applied going forward, including to the covid vaccine?

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Dr Aseem Malhotra is one who is voicing concerns. He is vaccinated, worked in a vaccine clinic and via the media he encouraged people to take the vaccination in 2021. Based on current evidence and data he now believes there is a significant problem with Covid vaccines (not vaccines generally which he is highly supportive of).

Govenor Ron Desantis is setting up a federal grand jury to investigate Covid vaccine harms. This is what needs to happen thorough investigation and examination of evidence.

These vaccines are new previously untried technology. Pharmaceutical companies build the cost of lawsuits into their budgets and have lost countless actions. There is massive evidence of malpractice of these companies who have made billions from Covid vaccines.

Dismissal of legitimate concerns is no better than extremist anti-vaccine propaganda.

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The vaccinated are just as guilty. Most vaccinated people won’t even countenance the possibility that there are greater dangers from MRNA vaccines than they have been led to believe. You are sounding like someone in this camp Chris.

There is a growing number of highly qualified medical research scientists from the US and Europe who have grave concerns, having done extensive interrogation of data. It has also been revealed that Pfizer’s own test data shows the number of deaths prevented by vaccines was lower than the incidence of significant harms caused - I repeat this is Pfizer’s own test data.

It is also reported that life insurance companies have seen a significantly higher rate of death in working age adults over the past two years. The vaccines or something else ? This should be properly investigated not treated as ‘anti-vaxx’ propaganda.

This is a poorly researched article.

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I know lots of morons :((

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The ever-insightful Steve Kirsch would beg to differ:


Just saying.

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That doesn’t explain the clear rise in the number of Blue Fiat 500s since I bought mine. Clearly an EU conspiracy of some kind

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The idea that there were just as many Sudden Athletic Deaths in the past as there are now has been thoroughly debunked in the Daily Skeptic.

It is simply not the case that it was always like this but we just never noticed it before

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I had been looking for an article on this but now I see them everywhere.

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Thank you for displaying your arrogance and condescension in a public forum.

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The 'more Arsenel fans' effect is a bad example because it is probably real, and not Baader-Meinhoff. 'Everybody loves a winner.' There are an extremely large number of non-fans who jump on the bandwagon of professional sports teams which are doing well. And one of the first thing they do is buy merchandise. Sports franchises make windfall profits from this large market. When the Toronto Raptors Basketball team won it all, people who were happy to tell you that they didn't know the rules of the game were gobbling up merch to the point where the city of Toronto and its surrounds ran out, a pretty impressive feat in these days of just-in-time manufacturing. Tens of thousands of fans showed up to watch games together on large tv screens set up for the purpose in various GTA locations because the arena was full... or the Raptors were playing out of town. Figuring out how to maximise the windfall profits from these people is a challenge, one that sports francises obsessover. And when the team stops doing well, the madness stops, people stop wearing their team jerseys, and the hype starts up in some other town.

'I want to be part of this winning experience' means money in the bank.

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I think I read all that somewhere else.

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