Malhotra's position on diet and the mRNA injection are defensible. He is encouraging debate about the dysfunction of the healthcare system which most reasonable thinking people know is warranted.

This Substack article is snarky and its underlying motivations need to be revealed.

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They're really not defensible, though. They're objectively wrong.

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VAERS is a 30 year database of vaccine adverse effects. As of Oct 14 there are :

41,214 total deaths

31,569 Covid vaccine deaths, 76% of all database deaths

3x more deaths than all other vaccines combined over 30 years combined.

264,675 total hospitalizations

180,915 Covid vaccine hospitalizations, 68% of all hospitalizations

2x more hospitalizations than all other vaccines combined over 30 years combined.

25% Of People Who Received Covid-19 Vaccination Missed Work Or Reported A "Serious Event" Affecting Their Normal Life Functions, According To CDC Data. The data is gathered from 10 million individuals who utilized the CDC’s “v-safe” program, a smartphone-based tool where recipients of the Covid-19 vaccine can go for health check-ins. 800,000 required medical care.

Israeli study from May 2022 found that cardiac arrest among people under 40 increased by 25% during the vaccine rollout.

Excess deaths in Australia and Europe are up 16%.

Excess deaths in UK are up 15%.

Many elderly and comorbids killed off in 2020 that should’ve taken deaths away from 2021 and 2022, so there should be fewer excess deaths by now. Add a much milder version of Covid and there’s no rational reason for excess deaths to continue a year after the vaccine is introduced. Unless it’s the vaccine that’s killing them.

The evidence is literally everywhere. You just have to be brave enough to see it.

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Or paid very well to ignore it. This article is a hit piece.

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You sort of conveniently left out this part......Directly from the site on how to interoperate the data. Not surprisingly, reading is not one of your strong suits.

"When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Reports of all possible associations between vaccines and adverse events (possible side effects) are filed in VAERS. Therefore, VAERS collects data on any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event."

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You don’t say. Isn’t it a curious thing that the CDC likes to distance itself from any of its own data providing any challenge to the “safe and effective” mantra. What a surprise!

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These people aren't interested in the truth. They are paid shills for pharma poison, which happens to be very profitable. This entire hit piece illuminates that reality.

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You are as objective as a jihadist.

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Antivaxxers are the jihadists.

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Oct 29, 2022
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Claiming that vaccines are poison is insane.

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May 15, 2023
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That's an *even more insane* claim. There are no saline shots, and vaccinations has saved literally billions of lives.

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Do you receive funding from big pharma? Why are you a denier of truth what is your agenda? All you are doing is trying to discredit someone who knows much more than you do - you are spreading propaganda and obviously signed up to Klaus Schwabs agenda - but guess what, you are not in their plans. The truth will out soon and people who are acting as you are will face justice so good luck Christopher.

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Get help.

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I think you're the one who needs help...help with going beyond the propaganda Big Pharma doles out and digging into alternative sources of scientific information. Case in point: it's obvious you haven't read or heard or seen anything by Dr. Robert Malone, the actual creator of the mRNA technology used by vaccine companies. He is dead set against these Covid vaccines and maybe you should find out why.

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Robert Malone is NOT the "actual creator of the mRNA technology", that's a lie he tells to make himself seem like an expert on the subject.

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Yes he is! He didn't create the mRNA vaccine but he created the technology behind it. He's not lying! I don't know where you're getting your info, but it's wrong. I have watched several interviews with him where he has gone through his entire history of his virology education and his work.

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Just because he said so in an interview doesn't make it true. He's lying.

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Why do you say he's lying? Do you know something about him that hasn't been shown to alternative sources? I find him to be very honest and humble, which is a far cry from our public health officials.

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And your source is… ??

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I'll bet he does 🤥

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Malhotra’s conspiracy theory fans are sadly Too Far Gone. It’s how the charlatan industry survIves.

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In order to label someone a conspiracist you would need to have a reason or two.. maybe discredit /disprove some of the data that Malhotra (one of Britain's most influential cardiologists) has shown.. or anything at all really..

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You are making shit up, Malhotra is NOT “one of Britain's most influential cardiologists”, maybe you are confusing influential with “social influencer”. He has little contribution to the field, hasn’t conducted any research himself. In fact the British Heart Foundation denounced him as "misleading and wrong" for his anti statin stance. So I don’t need to disprove the quack, actual cardiologists have already done it to exhaustion. It’s also so gross how he portraits himself as a martyr hero searching for truth when all he is doing is self promoting, charging up to 20K for speaking events. As the conspiracy theorists like to say, “follow the money”, those books aren’t going to sell themselves, like his book where he preposterously claims the Italian diet is low carb.

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Actually he did do at least one study on statins, and the Dr Rory Collins + the Media tried to bury him. Ask the bmj for a retraction more than once, Dr Malhotra defended his position and the retraction was not awarded.

So your notion about quackery seems to be based on incorrect assumptions. And he does not have an anti statin stance, he has a "are you sure you want statins? maybe we could try some lifestyle changes first" stance.

Me on the other hand you can call a quack who has been enjoying the cochrane articles on statins, followed by some others.

The theory on cholesterol is that LDL-C causes heart risk, CVD and CHD, however the niacin studies disprove this, since it lowers LDL-C, lowers triglycerides and increases HDL, so in theory the patients should have much lower risk of mortality by heart conditions, and yet, they don't...

So there goes that theory. Statins are also anti inflammatory and anti clotting, which probably seems to be the only positive side of statins within a heart context.

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That what he calls himself in his own hype

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Asked and answered. Keep that head on a swivel, scumbag

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Aseem Malhotra is the one denying truth. He's a pathological liar, and you seem to just believe him because he's saying what you wish were true.

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Sorry Cal, slightly confused.. what is the truth?

- That adverse effects have not been reported in high numbers following a vaccine?

- That Pfizer has not recently admitted that trials never took place to test the efficacy of the vaccine against transmission?

- That original Pfizer trials didn't show the vaccine was more likely to cause an adverse effect than one was to be hospitalized by Covid?

-That Pfizer haven't made billions of dollars for pushing this and Malhotra will receive virtually nothing for bringing these stats to the publics attention?

Also, I'm sure most people would love what Malhotra is saying to be false (including me).

Everyone I love has taken these vaccines, one of which (my step-dad) has had a heart attack, another, (my uncle) has had a stroke, another of which, (my neighbour) died from a stroke, another of which, (my old teaching assistant), died from a heart attack, none of the people I have just listed are over 70 or had any pre-existing conditions. (I can list more people I know if you were interested) ..Maybe all just a big coincidence that this happened after receiving a vaccine. However..

Malhotra's father died from a heart attack, Malhotra (I will repeat for effect.. a cardiologist) investigated what had been the cause of this death as he knew his father was healthy and unlikely to get a heart attack, and found it to be vaccine related.

If nothing else, please know many would love what he's saying not to be true.

This is not an attack on you or anyone else, I want you to know I am speaking in love to anyone who is hearing this info for the first time, I don't want to argue or fight. Just implore that people would look around them, and simply question what we are being told by billionaire pharmaceutical companies, who have the support of the World Health Organisation, the mass media and binding contracts with governments globally.

Voices like Aseem's should not be drowned out by big pharma, who quite frankly, do not have your health as their priority, but profit.

It is not hard for these companies to coerce anyone into buying these vaccines without full knowledge of the effects. That is the nature of their work... just look at history ..or any other large pharmaceutical company.

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Malhotra was already a notorious quack before COVID. I hesitate to call somebody a "cardiologist" when they claim heart disease can be cured by eating a high-fat, low-card fad diet.

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It seems you just don't like keeping up with the latest studies, do you? Why do you think the Keto diet is so popular? Guess! It's overloading on carbs that causes heart disease, not eating fat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhNGRB14TTE Instead of attacking smarter people than yourself, why don't you do a bit of digging into studies that prove Malhotra is correct.

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Popularity doesn't equate to effectiveness. And there are no studies that prove Malhotra is correct.

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Actually, there are no studies that prove saturated fat causes heart attacks. A very powerful man named Ancel Keys decided a half-century ago (without any data to back it up) that the dietary problem was saturated fat. The result, since he was so influential, was that trans-fats entered the food chain and the start of the obesity epidemic was initiated.

Anyone who disagreed with Keys could expect no research funding and little in the way of career advancement. In this way, the 'fat is bad' argument became 'The Science', in the same way that the recent introduction of covid 'vaccine' for babies and children became 'The Science' despite there being vanishingly small risk from the disease to babies and children and some as yet unquantified risk from the jab itself.

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Please, enlighten us with a recitation of your credentials, that would suggest you have ANY expertise to make the unsupported claims about Dr. Mulhotra. At the very least, cite some kind of external source that would support your derogatory pronouncements.

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VAERS is entirely open to abuse and is not facts, can only be used as an indicator and then with extreme caution

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Especially since we have thousands upon thousands of MAGA cultists who just discovered in the last 2 years that VAERS exists. Resulting in the biggest ever flood of fake events being reported.

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What a ridiculous statement. If your claim was true, then you sure as hell can guarantee that the CDC would falling over themselves to investigate it and such a story would be all over the MSM. So where is it?

“Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.”

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Klaus Schwab's agenda 🤡

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Who ever is writing this is clearly not telling the truth about the vax warnings and should not be trusted on anything written here. The first bank of integrity is a tough lender, tell one lie and your account is closed permanently.

"He also falsely claimed that ‘the vaccine does not have any significant effect on preventing transmission’. Also untrue."

This is actually true and well documented and admitted to by the CDC. In fact, most COVID cases today are among those that have received the mRnA shots.

As well, the documented cases of myocarditis caused by these shots is overwhelming. Isn't it odd that so many people are dying of cause unknown? Many from heart attacks? What is causing this phenomenon and who's investigating it? I guess we'll never know... . Show me the data that substantiates the lies that you are asserting with respect to the mRnA shots.

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Vaccines provide some protection from infection but it wears off fairly quickly. The same is true of infection-acquired immunity.

"most COVID cases today are among those that have received the mRnA shots." Look up the base race fallacy.

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Christopher do you live in a cave? Where were you when Pfizer and the rest of the world acknowledged there was no protection from acquisition or transmission? As for natural immunity being temporary, Lord save us! Would you like to re-write the last couple of hundred years of immunology?!

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At age 63 I've had two very mild Covid infections (I think it's 2, the first was before testing was available) and no vaccines. I've since been in contact with people with Covid and had no further infection. My 88 year old unvaccinated mother has had no known infection - she's slim, takes no medication, is active and mixes in the commuity. So really; tell me natural immunity (and general good health) plays no part and doesn't last. Several people I know who have had vaccines have had worse and more infections than I have, and some who have had vaccines have had no infection before or since vaccination. Clealy this is annecdotal and a very small sample but Covid was over-egged; Omicron is a non-fatal rarely hospitalised infection for the majority of people just like most versions of flu. Vaccines do not prevent transmission as ONS data was telling us in Autumn 2021 when roughly twice (more in some age-groups) the proportion of vaccinated people were reporting infections than unvaccinated people, and where the rate of infection in Gibraltar, a small and very highly vaccinated population was no lower than the UK. Futhermore Pfizers published data now tells us they did no research into whether their vaccine prevented transmission. Seems to me it would only prevent transmission if it prevented infection and we now know that vast numbers of vaccinated individuals have subsequently been repeatedly unwell with Covid. Whether Molhotra's work is as cranky as you suggest I don't know, but I do know this article is poorly researched and entirely wrong in some of the 'facts' it suggests.

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You sound scared. You should be

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Read also my reply to the OP. The likelihood being infected is reduced as is the severity of infection. It’s not stopped. So if most people are vaccinated then most covid cases today are going to be amongst those who have been vaccinated. But the severity of those cases will be less.

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It most certainly is not true, not is it "admitted to" by the CDC. And the myocarditis claims are another lie.

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Coincidentally, Pfizer's high-level executive Janine Small just admitted in front of the European Parliament that, yes, Pfizer never tested their injection for whether it stopped or slowed transmission, so they didn't have a clue about whether it helped on that.

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She "admitted" no such thing.

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Umm, you are wrong about this and so much more. Here's her testimony https://youtu.be/mnxlxzxoZx0

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"So much more?" I haven't said anything else!! You have a great sense of humour...

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Oh, yes, she did. But it was already known anyway.

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This kind of threatening ad hominem piece is actually good for Aseem Malhotra. I was on the fence for a while but once people like you start writing pieces like this it actually reinforces that he is likely to be a genuine person doing something that is very difficult. That is, swimming against the sharks. So thanks for this!

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I think Dr Malhortra is one of a number of people now that are able to analyse data to get some more accurate results regarding the risk/benefit analysis of mRNA treatment for covid. For example: The Florida Department of Health conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety. This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. That's very significant to say the least... 84%. This information is coming through many different sources.

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The Florida Department of Health is run by a political appointee who's an anti-vaxxer. And their "analysis" is blatantly fraudulent.

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Following that logic, any analysis presented by someone that is pro-vaxx would equally be considered blatantly fraudulent.

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Not everyone can deal with information that does not conform to their already established narratives. Generally speaking someone in that situation will not be able to recognise that they are even subject to any kind of limitation of that sort. Generally it is in an ongoing environment of trust with others where insight into this can occur that opens the possibility for development and therefore subsequent gains in skills and abilities to view the world and find meaning in what previously was considered complete contradiction.

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You sound scared as hell. You should be

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Thanks for your comment 'Uncle Mikey'. I would appreciate it if you would elucidate as to why you think I sound 'scared as hell' as I am really curious to know why you interpreted what I said that way.

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Your "logic" is that truth and lies are equally valid.

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I don't think so, generally speaking that is not how I view things.

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He has evidence to support him. The pro vaxxers have no evidence anymore, and actually never did.

The vaccine doesn’t do anything traditional (real) vaccines do, and the vast majority of vaccine injuries and deaths in VAERS are coming from the Covid vaccine.

Excess deaths are at 15% in UK and 16% in Europe and Australia. This shouldn’t be happening unless the vaccine is causing it.

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VAERS is flooded with fake reports from anti-vaxxers. And the whole point of mRNA vaccines is that they're superior to "traditional" vaccines.

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I'd be fascinated to learn how you have established that statement about VAERS. And, I would also love to hear your thoughts about why the Chinese used the whole virus to develop their own traditional vaccine, while giving the West the spike protein with which to develop those mRNA 'vaccines' (for which the definition itself had to be changed).

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China used inferior, outdated technology and created an inferior "traditional" vaccine.

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The whole point about MRNA vaccines is they have never been tested before. The hope was that they woudl be superior but until you have widespread testing it is just theory and hope. There have been many drugs deveoped with high expectations which have had to be withdrawn. You cannot possibly state with any accuracy that MRNA vaccines are superior without long term use data, you are simply parroting an impression you've gained without engaging in any critical thinking on the subject.

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We do have widespread testing of mRNA vaccines, though.

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Widespread, but not long term. Long term can only happen with the passage of time, a new vaccine or drug of any kind which has been developed so quickly has by definition no long-term data. Harms can also be cumulative with repeated doses raising the possibility of harm. I have first hand experience of a drug causing side effects which increased with repeated periods of use of the same drug.

Your view seems to be based upon blind faith and yet in this country all this has been happening under a Conservative government you earlier cited as the root of all evil.

There have been many drugs and vaccines in the past which were approved with great hopes but once in the real world gave rise to harms which required their withdrawal.

Why is it that you are so vehement in your denial that this could possibly be true of these experimental vaccines which were approved by regulators who are largely funded by the pharmacutical industry and introduced into public use well before they were able to complete the usual final phase of trials ?

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What awful, bitchy writing, with no attempt at looking up the facts for yourself! This is the kind of rubbish that independent thinkers have to put up with daily. Big pharma funds 86% of the MRHA. This has been discussed in parliament. No mention of the Singapore studies on the side effects of covaxes on children. Just blind rhetoric.

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Miserable hit piece.

We will continue to follow the silenced in order to follow true science.

The downfall of the pseudo-science priests is near.

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You make it clear that you see "true science" as being whatever conforms with your ideology.

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Interesting perspectives. Obviously everyone is doing his/her best, in the context of each of our own very individual experiences/thoughts/feelings/sensing, of everything, including our own sense of 'self', from birth to death. It's all infinitely complex. and connected, this life and death blend of being a living human, via energies which we are not well-equipped to understand. From my own perspective I've never been healthier since adopting a LCHF diet. I'm now 65 and have plenty of endurance hill-running and suicide/health/other personal experience by which to compare my own different lifestyle experiments over several decades. I'm pleased that I chose not to be vaccinated (each to his/her own choices) not least because I trust my own natural immunity more than pharmaceuticals, although there are many other factors. I'm informed by other considerations such as losing my partner to suicide in 2015, and quite deep study into suicide and pharma, inflammation, etc. Each of us is unique, and democracy is a confusing concept, as is evolution. Placebo and other mysterious energies such as electricity and 'quantum' are all part of the mix that we each try to work with in so many different ways, and ultimately what is anything when we seek to explain it using inadequate human constructs that simply cannot grasp or define infinite concepts. We live, we die. Do we make life hell because we fear death that is not. I wonder. Anyway, love and thanks to all :)

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Dear Mr Snowdon,

> He also falsely claimed that ‘the vaccine does not have any significant effect on preventing transmission’. Also untrue.

Where do you get your facts from?! An official Pfizer representative even told the world a few days ago that they did NOT have any evidence that their vaccine reduces or prevents a virus transmission when they sold vaccine doses for $US 26 billion to the EU, see "Viral transmission not tested in Pfizer trials" from 12-Oct-2022 at Dr John Campbell's YouTube channel.

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This surely looks like a hit piece on Aseem Malhotra.

mRNA vaccines is inherently dangerous as they spread to all parts of the body including the heart and brain. There they delivers its payload of mRNA and make the cells produce the foreign protein. This leads to inflammation at the site and death of cells. In the heart this causes myocarditis among other things.

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That is complete nonsense. There is nothing "inherently dangerous" about mRNA vaccines. Even if they actually did "spread to all parts of the body" like you claim, that would still not be dangerous in any way because the protein produced does *not* lead to inflammation at the site or death of cells. The protein in question is inert, completely harmless in every way.

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It is the lipid nanoparticles used in the delivery of the MRNA vaccines in the body which spread around the body - there is clinical evidence of this accumulating in women's ovaries amongst other areas of the body. These lipids were not supposed to leave the injection site and there is clinical evidence of harm.

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I’ve read the Malhotra paper. It’s unoriginal, relies mostly on other peoples’ work except for the anecdotes. However, the facts that you pull up are correct and you are wrong.

The Pfizer trial did have more mortality overall in the vaccine arm due to cardiovascular causes. There were 2 COVID deaths in the control arm vs 1 in the vaccine arm. Nordstrom (a comprehensive study of the entire Swedish population) in the time of delta indicated a probable 40-50% mortality benefit to vaccination for those vulnerable, with Omicron it’s probably far lower, nothing close to the claims made. The age adjusted figures frequently presented are a statistical mirage affected elderly too sick to be vaccinated and the 2 week rule allowing deaths to be shuttled into the unvaccinated group.

Only 17k people with no pre-existing conditions died with/from COVID in the UK (around 10%). Only 20 healthy children and teens died of COVID out of the 185 total most of whom had serious health conditions. This is an insignificant number (statistically) and well within the range of the numbers of vaccine harms in this age group.

The IFR of Omicron is 0.07%, this is less than some regular seasonal flus.

Next time before publishing an article take the time to conduct the appropriate research.

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I would be genuinely interested in your views of Professor Christian Mueller's recent study presented at the Congress of the well respected European Society of Cardiology.


Professor Prasad interprets Professor Mueller's findings, which suggest that every heart is a little bit damaged with every mRNA 'vaccination'. Professor Prasad asks at what point and at what age does the risk/reward ratio become unfavourable with each subsequent booser dose potentially adding to the cummulative damage.


The floor is yours Sir...??

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People who push poison for profit will be held to account in the most extreme ways because THEY FUCKING DESERVE IT

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The concern of many seems to be that injecting mRNA into the body is dangerous and can cause myocarditis. A bit of basic biology. The instructions to make a protein are coded into genes. In order to make a protein in your body the DNA is first transcribed into mRNA and then translated into protein on the ribosomes in your cells. Covid 19 shaves one layer off this by having genes made of RNA so cutting out the need for transcription. It still however has many genes which can be translated into lots of different proteins by your body’s cells. These proteins then direct the assembly of new virus particles which in turn invade more cells and repeat the process thus leading to an exponential growth in the number of viruses in you So infection with covid 19 will cause large amounts of viral mRNA to be generated. One of the virus genes codes for the production of a protein on the virus surface.That protein can be detected by your immune system and an immune response can be mounted. As a result the virus gets fought off and there is a battle which will result in one of two outcomes. You get better or you die. The clever thing about the RNA vaccine is that it introduces a gene for just that outer ‘spike’ protein. Your cells respond by making the protein which in turn stimulates an immune response. But because we’re not making the whole virus the vaccine can’t cause covid. Furthermore, your cells will mop up and dispose of the mRNA after a while. Every time you make an mRNA molecule in a cell it will be removed after a while so as not to keep churning out the protein for ever more.

So the vaccine stimulates an immune response which causes immune memory cells to be activated and a future infection is now less likely to happen and if it does happen is less likely to be severe.

But it’s worth remembering that all medicines are likely to have side effects. My arm hurt a bit for a day or two after my shots. But it’s also worth remembering that the dosage of mRNA in the shot is a hell of a lot smaller than the dosage you will get from covid infection. So if your side effect is a very rare condition called myocarditis that’s unfortunate but you will recover. If you are one of those who might have got myocarditis from the shot having covid is likely to cause much more severe myocarditis

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The unclever thing about the mRNA vaccine are that it often doesn’t stay localized, resulting in the lipids gathering in the heart of men and the ovaries of women. The healthy cells in those organs are then mutated by the synthetic mRNA, then destroyed by the body’s immune system, never to be replaced. Leading to weakened hearts, disrupted ovaries, and whatever other organs the systemic mRNA ends up in.

The unclever thing about the mRNA vaccine is that the lipids encasing the synthetic mRNA seem to penetrate the blood brain barrier. So if the lipids end up there the synthetic mRNA mutates brain cells, which are then destroyed by the body’s immune system. Let’s hope those lost brain cells weren’t doing anything important.

The unclever thing about the mRNA vaccines is they creat the same spike protein the virus does, and the spike protein by itself is a threat, causing clots and inflammation wherever they go. The spikes and spike remnants have been tracked in the blood stream for weeks.

The unclever thing about the mRNA vaccines is that there are two studies now that show that mRNA can change dna. One study specially used the synthetic mRNA of the vaccine on human liver cells in the lab. So you can become a gmo with this vaccine.

The unclever thing about the mRNA vaccines is that they don’t act like vaccines at all.. Vaccinated can still get infected, spread the infection, and be hospitalized and/or die. They’re the definition of a leaky vaccine and are the reason for most of the Covid variants. As a comparison the polio and small pox vaccinations had a 90 and 95% effectiveness, lasting a lifetime. The mRNA vaccine starts much lower and drops of to nearly nothing within a year.

Israeli study from May 2022 found that cardiac arrest among people under 40 increased by 25% during the vaccine rollout. That’s that myocarditis that some people just aren’t getting over. Or blood clots caused by the spike proteins.

Excess deaths in Australia, Europe and UK are 15-16%. This shouldn’t be happening with milder Covid strains and an effective vaccine.

VAERS is a 30 year database of vaccine adverse effects. As of Oct 14 there are :

41,214 total deaths

31,569 Covid vaccine deaths, 76% of all database deaths

3x more deaths than all other vaccines combined over 30 years combined.

264,675 total hospitalizations

180,915 Covid vaccine hospitalizations, 68% of all hospitalizations

2x more hospitalizations than all other vaccines combined over 30 years combined.

That’s not clever at all.

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Synthetic mRNA is made of the same chemicals as normal mRNA. There’s nothing different to what your body would make if you were infected by the virus itself.

mRNA does not mutate cells

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The whole purpose of the mRNA is to get your cells to make a spike protein. Your cells with a spike protein is the mutation. Then your immune system destroys the mutated cell and learns to detect the mutation. This in theory enables your immune system to attack the virus (which has a spike protein) when you get infected.

Normally there’s no mRNA in a human body to make a spike protein. And it’s the spike protein that is deadlier than the virus itself as the spike all by itself is damaging and long lasting.

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Nope, a mutation is a change in a gene or chromosome. It’s not the production of a protein.

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Of course it is not a mutation, but the rest of what he said was true.

The mRNA spreads to the whole body, including the heart where cells are attacked by the immune system. When that happens you have myocarditis or pericarditis. mRNA vaccines of today has a bad LNP delivery system.

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mRNA doesn’t replicate.

Cells have mechanisms for removing mRNA after it has been translated into a protein

If every time a piece of mRNA was made in your body it stayed around and “spread” you would rapidly become completely full of the stuff.

So I think that you are wrong

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The mRNA instructs the cells to manufacture spike proteins and release them into the bloodstream. It does not cause "cells with a spike protein". There is no mutation. And the spike protein is not remotely damaging in any way.

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Everything you said is not only false, it's biologically impossible. The synthetic mRNA cannon "mutate" anything, and

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Totally agree with all you’ve said.. and didn’t know those two facts about Malhotra.

However, what the British heart foundation has said and how much money Malhotra is making does not devalue his findings, (as maybe comments opposing the Pfizer vaccine and how much money they are making doesn’t devalue what the majority say about Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine)

I can’t deny what I know to be true, whether that is from Malhotra, my own circle or various other scientists, doctors, a magistrate and politicians that have been de-platformed / censored for so much as questioning / querying the safety / efficacy of the vaccine.. it shocks me that this doesn’t ring alarm bells for more people.. but then again it doesn’t - the majority is always louder and people often run with the narrative of the mass media rather than think for themselves (I’m not referring to you by the way) just an observation of history.

I apologise for causing you to be so angry, but I don’t apologise for saying what I believe to be true in a country where we still supposedly have freedom of speech.

Bless you.

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