It is the most extraordinary arrogance from politicians. If Wes fucking Streeting thinks that making our food disgusting and non-nutritious is both good and popular, then he can put it is his manifesto, the shit.

These people are so utterly loathe some that one can only conclude that they are demons put on Earth to torture us. Bastards, bastards, bastards.

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How the hell did they get away with reducing the salt on salted peanuts? And where can one find salted peanuts that are actually salty?

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If the official food nutrition guidelines were not such utter crap things would improve markedly. Get rid of seed oils, admit there are no essential carbohydrates and we have been preferentially eating saturated fat since before we were human, so are probably adapted to it by now.

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These people won’t like being called fascists, but that is exactly what they are. I would happily drive Streeting’s steam roller over both him, Woolnough and every other effing busybody.

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So you casually incite violence on your political opponents, but *they're* the fascists!?

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I’ve not incited anything, merely expressed what I’d personally like to do to these people.

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The British political class have an instinct for getting things wrong....to "have left undone those things which they ought to have done; And done those things which ought not to have been done; And there is no health in them."

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Thank goodness I don't live there anymore...

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If only we had a REAL philosopher king like Marcus Aurelius in charge, how very different things would be.

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There was an almost-plausible case to be made that this heavy-handed nonsense was all for the greater good... until Wegovy came along. There's your anti-obesity strategy right there.

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If they try and reformulate food they should be punished via private force.

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