You should institute an annual award for the dumbest research claim you have encountered.

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Be careful in bars & restaurants. There’s probably trace levels of alcohol in the air. Maybe not safe.

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Glad you're still documenting this level of lunacy.

Via Carl Henegan and Tom Jeffersons excellent Substack I learned of a very thorough study that showed that yes, again, moderate alcohol intake IS beneficial:


But just look at some of the responses! The very idea of the J curve is a direct affront to the puritan dogma of safetyism...

So now it's time for my evening shot of rum :-)

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There are around 1.3 billion microgrammes of air in a cubic metre.

And the background level is 1/30th of a microgramme, and the enhanced level is around 1/10th of a microgramme.

As you say, these are homeopathic levels of nicotene. The source article should really conclude what a miracle it is that modern instruments have advanced so far that they can measure this, and throw in an advert for the technologists with a suitable tag line "we can analyse what's in your draft, but can't measure daft, give us your $"

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I wonder how many picogrammes of nicotine they would detect next to the aubergines in the supermarket?

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Wow, the zealots have really gone off the deep end now!

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Maybe with another ten years and millions of dollars of research funding, the public health people could eventually discover a larger number - five - that comes after four, thereby enabling a new categorisation of tobacco exposure.

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