This is not a shock that our idiocracy er sorry bureaucracy is stuffed full of people who believe they can regulate which small businesses can open and operate, the horror another fish n chip shop! They then reach for the catch all excuse of ‘traffic and parking problems’…..in order to stop things ‘they don’t like’.

The problem is that this is *by design*. The idiocracy er sorry bureaucracy is operating as it is designed to do by our socialist blob overlords. Any form of growth, risk or ‘things they don’t like’ (er like a chippy) must be opposed or tightly regulated. No new thinking is allowed, and we are regulated by people with a degree in sociology from the University of Grimsby.

Socialist Britain 2024

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It is as if the stupid are attracted like magnets to local government and other publicly funded bodies where they can cause maximum damage to society, while those with intelligence and initiative avoid these bodies like the plague.

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Is the head honcho of public health in this bureaucratic backwater just stopping herself from gorging on the extra fish and chips, when she visits? Seriously every layer of government is leaning heavier on our lives. They need to. Stop!

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